Stuart of Bute Tartan  
Bestselling book of the 18th and 19th centuries

Highlanders - their way of life - weapons

The main weapon of the Highlander was the basket-hilted broadsword the most popular of which carried the mark of renowned swordsmith Andrew Ferrara. By the time of Culloden the double-edged broadsword was gradually being replaced by the single-edged backsword. Balhaldie had been sent from Paris to Holland to buy blades which would then have hilts fitted in Scotland.

Andrew Ferrara

King's Head WKC Solingen

Wolf mark of Solingen

The Wolf Mark (gave rise to the nickname of Fox) was from Solingen. The King's Head, originally a mark of Johannes Wundes, now belongs to WKC of Solingen who also took over the tooling of Wilkinson Sword in 2005 and now manufactures the Highland Regiment Swords (Nato Stock # [NSN]: 8465-99-973-6896 [Scottish Broadsword]: Nato Stock no. : 8465-99-973-6855 [Nickel plated steel sheath]) seen below.


Regimental Highland Sword


This picture is from the magnificent McIan's Costumes of the Clans of Scotland. This map shows how the clans were distributed in Scotland.

MacGillivray Clansman

The Highlander's use of the basket-hilted broadsword along with his targe, targé or target is covered in Page's Use of the Broadsword.

There is a very curious fence in the grounds of Twickenham House formed of sword-blades, which tradition affirms to have been collected after the battle from the field of Culloden. It was at the back surrounded by a small garden of flower beds owned by Dr. Diamond who said they were originally owned by Lord Tweeddale.

Fence originally owned by Lord Tweeddale - Secretary of State for Scotland in 1745


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